How can I get access to this information?
This information is reserved for members of the Association des familles Morissette. To become a membre, see section Registration.
I don’t have an identifier or password
Every member of the Assocation des familles Morissette have access to this section. If you haven’t received your connection information, communicate with
How do I connect?
When you will attempt to use any of the links in the Members only area, you will be asked for your username and password.
You can also use the “Login/Logout” link and then enter your identifier and password and click on “Connect”.
I don’t remember my password
When asked to connect to the web site, an option will appear to allow you to reset your password. An email giving the instructions will be sent to the email adresse in our file.
I want to change my password
Once connected to the site, click “Modify profile”. You can enter a new password.