
To become a member, fill the Registration form and follow the instructions at the bottom.

  • The Morissette familly Association is open to all descendants of known pioneers mainly those of Jean and Mathhurin.
  • Members of the Association have many rights including voting at the annual general assembly.
  • They receive 4 bulletins of LA MORICETTERIE which are published in March, June, September and December.
  • Members get access to the members only section of the web site which contains Morissette genealogical research tool, all published bulletins and exclusive information on Morissette historical houses.
  • Each member can send questions, comments and texts on the genealogy and history of Morissettes to be published in LA MORICETTERIE.
  • Each new member can purchase previously published bulletins of LA MORICETTERIE.
  • The annual fee is used to pay postal fees for the 4 bulletins and to build a reserve to support the activities organised by the Board of Directors

NOTA BENE: At this time, only French newsletters and documentation are available but Google translate can be used to translate the available electronic newsletters and documents.